Improved cook stoves (ICS)

The wood saving capacity of improved wood- fuel stoves generally used in households in Cameroon does not exceed 40% compared to the 3-stones traditional place.
With our partners, we have been able to distribute close to 10,000 ICS in the South West and Littoral region since 2011. This isn´t enough. Our dream: Each household in Cameroon depending on wood fuel to cook the food should have access to a high qualitative ICS that burns clean and saves at least 60% of wood fuels.
Exploring and
promoting the vulgarization of other saving fuels cooking devices

Heat retaining cooking bags are another innovation which permits any household to save energy for cooking. They are made of recycled polystyrene which is a powerful thermal insulator. If you are using LPG, kerosene, charcoal or fuel wood to cook food, the bags enable savings of at least half of the quantity of energy for cooking. You simply bring your food to boil on any heat source and transfer the pot into the bag for the cooking to continue gradually but surely, even in your absence. The energy accumulated by the pot when it was on the fire will be enough to complete the cooking. This sounded strange to many housewives whom we performed several trials with the bag. They were amazed to see that it works perfectly.
We are working to make the cooking bag known and be used by a greater number of persons in the communities by fostering a large scale production and distribution of these devices.
In 2014, we launched a pilot phase of the production and testing of heat retaining cooking bags in households of the South-West, West and Littoral regions of Cameroon. About 450 bags were produced and distributed in 16 communities in these regions. A baseline survey and the acceptance of the bags by households leaders is been carried out and the results will be available very soon. After this, we will be able to develop strategies of popularizing this cooking technique in Cameroon which is proving its worth in South Africa and Rwanda for instance.
With the implementation of projects in the field of energy efficiency and
renewable energy we want to improve on
the living conditions of the people in our communities, but also bring our
modest efforts in tackling global warming. Support this initiative for a better
world for everyone! You can do this as an individual or in the framework of your company´s Coporate Social Responsability.